is a chameleon-like gemstone that displays a green colour in day or fluorescent light and changes to purplish red in incandescent light. Alexandrite deposits were first discovered in Russia in 1830 and the stone was named after Czar Alexander II. Mohs' hardness 8.5.

is a member of the feldspar group which also includes moonstone and labradorite. It is named after the Amazon because of its green colour. Mohs' hardness: 6-6.5

is the fossilized, hardened resin of the pine treee, Pinus succinifera, formed mainly about 50 million years ago and found mostly in the Baltic. Younger amber specimens have also been found in the Dominican Republic. Mohs' hardness: 2-2.5.

AMETHYST (February)
is the most highly valued stone in the quartz species which also includes citrine, tiger's eye, carnelian, and agate. Its purple color is determined by its iron content and caused it to be associated with Bacchus, the god of wine in ancient Greek legends. Historically worn as an amulet against drunkeness, the name ‘amethyst’ means ‘not drunken’ in Greek. In keeping with early beliefs that amethyst keeps its wearers clear-headed and quick-witted in battle and in business, fine amethyst adorns the fingers of bishops and coronation regalia of British royalty. Mohs' harness: 7.